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- Share...Scroll Drawings > Scroll TableScroll TableScroll Table drawing before being mounted (II-IV feet)
medical paper, dry pigment, pencil, tape, collage
21 x 2100" (175 feet)This is the very beginning of the scroll before it was mounted. It shows a view from 2 feet to 4 feet into the roll. I have a few images of the scroll opened to different sections. Some are shown prior to being mounted. The next image is a detail of this section.Scroll Table (XXVIII-XXXII feet)
medical paper, dry pigment, pencil, tape, collage, wood, steel, aluminum
Scroll drawing 21 x 2100" (175 feet) whole unit measures 34 x 56 x 32"This view shows a section of the drawing from 28.5 feet to 32 feet. The next image is detail of this section before the scroll was mounted on the table.All images copyright of Anne Gilman 1990-2025. An icompendium Site